Do's and Don'ts

Do's and Don'ts

PNG Do’s and Don’ts

  • Do’s
    • • Before turning on gas stove every morning, make sure to open all doors and windows.
    • • Always close the valve after use, located near to meter.
    • • In case you smell any leakage, close the main control valve and inform the HCG Group immediately.
    • • If the leakage is observed in the main PE (Poly-ethylene) line, inform the company immediately and do not allow any vehicles or inflammable material near the leakage point.
    • • Inform the company for any digging/ construction work near a gas pipe line.
    • • Always close your gas tap before you go to bed at night.
    • • Always ensure your rubber tube is appropriately fit.
    • • Never use non-standard unauthorized tubes; always insist on rubber tube supplied/ approved by the gas company.
    • • In case of emergency inform HCG Group on Toll Free No: - 1800 180 2605, +91-7834911911 immediately.
  • Don’ts
    • • Do not allow any naked flame, spark or smoke near the leakage point.
    • • In case you smell a gas leakage, do not operate any electrical switches and appliances around there.
    • • Do not ignite a match, bidi, cigarette or candle lamps etc. if you smell a leakage.
    • • STOP cooking immediately if you smell a gas leakage.
    • • Do not carry-out/or allow any digging and construction on gas pipe line. If required consult the gas company.
    • • Never carry out any alteration by yourself or unauthorised technician and never tamper with any part of the gas connection.
    • • Do not use LPG cylinder on PNG converted burner.


CNG Do’s and Don’ts

  • CNG Do’s while using CNG
    • • The vehicles operating on CNG must comply with the required conditions as contained in the central motor vehicles rules.
    • • Before installing the CNG kit, it is required to ensure that the workshop is authorized. You should check the safety standards and code of practices observed by workshop in kit installation and commissioning.
    • • You should get installed approved Kit and cylinder that goes well with the make of vehicle.
    • • You should ensure that the vehicle should undergo the needed pre-conversion checks completely.
    • • You should have thorough leak test of the gas system.
    • • You should ensure to endorse the CNG or bi-fuel mode in Registration Certificate issued by RTO.
    • • You should do a prescribed check of the CNG kit and keep the associated certificates.
    • • You need to ensure that the CNG Cylinder follow the Gas cylinder rules. You also need to ensure that it is hydro tested once in three years otherwise gas will not be refilled.
    • • As a driver, you should always have the Certificate of CNG kit, Fitness and hydro test.
    • • You should acquaint yourself with the CNG mechanism by taking essential precautions for driving a CNG vehicle.
    • • You should ensure that there are no passengers on board at a time of filling of CNG.
  • CNG Don’ts while using CNG
    • • You should not purchase components from various sources and do not install the kit yourself.
    • • You should not modify or improvise the kit at unauthorized workshops.
    • • You should not install an LPG, Propane in place of CNG cylinder.
    • • You should not do filling of LPG, Propane or other fuel in a CNG cylinder.
    • • You should not ignore any signs of gas leakage if observed by you.
    • • You should not smoke while driving CNG vehicle.
    • • You should not have naked electrical wiring in your CNG vehicle.