Natural Gas MSDS

Natural Gas MSDS

Natural Gas MSDS

Section I: Material Identification & Use

  • Material: Natural Gas
  • Supplier's Name: Haryana City Gas Distribution Ltd
  • Address: City Gate Station
  • City: Gurgaon
  • State: Haryana
  • Postal Code: 122002
  • Chemical Name: Natural Gas
  • Chemical Identity: Aliphatic Mixture
  • Trade Name and Synonym as: Natural Gas
  • Product Use: Domestic/ Industrial/ Commercial
  • Codes / Labels: Flammable Gas - Class 2
  • Hazchem code: 2 S - E

Section II: Hazardous Ingredients of Material

  • Material: Natural Gas
  • Hazardous Ingredients: Approximate Concentration
  • Methane (CH4): 88 - 98 % v/v
  • Ethane (C2H6 ): 2 - 8 % v/v
  • Other Higher Hydrocarbons: < 2 % v/v

Section III : Physical Data for Material

  • Physical State: Gas
  • Appearance: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless. Ethyl Mercaptan is added for odourisation
  • Specific Gravity: 0.55-0.65
  • Solubility in Water at 30°C: Soluble
  • pH: Not Pertinent
  • Boiling Point: - 161.5°C
  • Melting Point: - 182.6°C

Section IV: Reactivity Data

  • Chemical Stability: Stable
  • Incompatibility with other substances: Strong Oxidisers
  • Reactivity and under what conditions: No reaction with common material but may react with oxidising agent
  • Flammability: Highly Flammable
  • Means of Extinction: CO2, DCP Type Fire Extinguisher & Water Spray
  • Special Procedures: Keep spraying water to cool
  • Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): 15 % Volume of Gas in Air
  • Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): 5 % Volume of Gas in Air
  • Flash Point (UEL): -222.5°C (CC)
  • Auto-ignition Temperature: 540°C
  • Hazardous Combustion Products: CO2 + Traces of oxides

Explosion Data

  • Sensitivity to chemical Impact: May explode
  • Sensitivity to Static Impact: May explode

Non Toxic

  • Skin Contact: Yes
  • Eye Contact: Yes
  • Inhalation: Yes
  • Effects of Exposure to Humans: Dizziness & Eye irritation, Asphyxiation at higher concentration.

Preventive Measures

  • Personnel: Avoid direct contact
  • Protective Equipments: Provide self contained breathing apparatus for higher concentrations, provide overclothing, hand gloves, safety goggles & shoes
  • Leak and Spill Procedures: Shut down all the Valve and allow proper ventilation
  • Waste Disposal: Allow the gas to burn under control

Non Toxic

  • Skin Contact: Yes
  • Eye Contact: Yes
  • Inhalation: Yes
  • Effects of Exposure to Humans: Dizziness & Eye irritation, Asphyxiation at higher concentration.

Section V: First Aid Measures

  • First Aid Measures: If inhaled, remove the person to fresh air and offer artificial respiration if required. In case of skin contact, wash the skin with plenty of water & soap
  • Additional Information Wash the eye with cold water in case of eye contact

Section VI: Disclaimer

Information contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSRDS) is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to accuracy, suitability for a particular application or results to be obtained from them. It is upto the manufacturer/ seller to ensure that the information contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/ handled or sold by him, as the case may be. Makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose.